Laia Duran
Vysoká škola múzických umení
La Veronal Universe
La Veronal Universe workshop proposes an introduction to our imaginary and to our
dissociated and mechanical movement that has as well lots of theatricality in it.
The different proposals we will work on, are based on being able to create, improvise and
learn small movement cells and choreographic material. We wish to give the participants a
new way to immerse themselves in our universe to continue discovering within it the infinite
ways to move and express themselves with the body, music and space.

Laia Duran is a member of the La Veronal ensemble. Photo is from their performance of Sonoma.
Creator, dancer, teacher and movement assistant. She studied Classical Ballet and
Contemporary Dance at the Institut del Teatre from Barcelona. Laia holds the Higher degree
in Dance in the specialty of Choreography and Interpretation.
Professionally she has worked with companies as Ballet Junior de Genève (Switzerland),
Marina Mascarell (Holland), The Forsythe Company (Germany), Staatstheater Darmstadt
(Germany), Ballet Mainz (Germany), Luzern Theater (Switzerland), Gross Dance Company
(Holland), Satore Studio (United Kindom), Contrapunctus Danceport (Spain) and Sommer
Ballet (Denmark). Since 2012 she is part of La Veronal from Marcos Morau.
Lately she has collaborated as a dancer, actress and movement assistant for theater
directors Àlex Rigola, Carlota Subirós, Nao Albet and Oriol Pla.
In 2018, together with other colleagues from the same generation of the Institut del Teatre,
she created HOTEL Col·lectiu Escènic.